About Us 關於我們
Hong Kong Libraries Connect (HK LibConnect) is an independent group seeking to connect library professionals across sectors and build a community that contributes to local and international discourse about librarianship, from the unique perspective of those practicing in Hong Kong.
香港圖書館同行是一個獨立團體,致力連繫在圖書館與資訊管理工作有關的從業員 。我們成立的目的主要是為建立一個屬於香港圖書館界的社群,讓大家有一個平台去分享及探討在香港和國際層面上有關圖書管理學的個人經驗及議題。
In this community of practice, library professionals can learn from one another through formal and informal channels, support one another through professional development opportunities, and share experiences of the profession both face to face and through online channels such as the HKLC Blog and Twitter. HKLC also encourages the involvement of students studying library and information programs in Hong Kong, and aims to provide opportunities for active participation in professional development.
HKLC contributors share a commitment to advancing the profession. They are excited to experiment, try new things - and share what they have learned! The HKLC community supports and encourages innovative ideas and practices.
This website serves as a portal to coordinate participation in events and informal professional development opportunities, and to share and publish experiences of librarianship in Hong Kong.
If you want to connect, please get in touch using the form on this page!
這個網站會用作協調香港圖書館同行的活動 、提供有關專業發展的機會和消息,及促進我們之間交流的平台。
想進一步認識香港圖書館同行或聯絡我們 ?
1) 透過右手面的表格,填上你的訊息就可以,或
2) 電郵到 info@hklibconnect.org 都得!
FAQs 常見問題
What does your organization do that is different from other professional associations?
HKLC is a grassroots organization started by regular people that work in libraries with the aim of making a difference to the Hong Kong library community. Our defining characteristics include openness and inclusiveness. We are here to provide a platform for librarians and library professionals to interact and learn from each other in both formal and informal ways. We will organize regular events and get-togethers. We are also hoping to set up workshops, guest speakers, and other types of event in the future as we grow. Come and be a part of our adventure and join our conversations!
香港圖書館同行成立的原因是希望可以為香港圖書館界作一點事,出一點力。除了使用網上和社交媒體的平台作交流互動,我們亦會定期舉行不同類型的活動和聚會。 香港圖書館同行的幕後班底都是於圖書館工作的平凡人,他們只希望有一個開放及包容的地方讓每一位圖書館人員都有機會參與不同議題的討論和不同類型的活動,分享看法及經驗。展望未來,香港圖書館同行計劃會開辦工作坊和邀請學者做分享。
Who can participate?
We invite all those with an interest in the library profession in Hong Kong to join us in building a strong and vibrant library community. You can be a practicing librarian, an assistant or a staff member in a library, or a library school student. In addition to taking part in our existing events/programmes, we are also open to any idea you may have to advance the Hong Kong library community further.
不論是圖書館的管理員、助理、職員或學生,只要你對圖書館/ 資訊管理專業有興趣,我們歡迎你加入香港圖書館同行,與我們一起建立一個強勁而有活力的圖書館界社群。除了參加我們現有舉辦的活動之外,你也可以提出任何你覺得對香港圖書館界有幫助/ 正面的建議。
How do I participate?
HKLC does not run on a formal membership structure. In fact, it is based on a contributor-model in which active participation from contributors carrying different roles (e.g. blog writers, content translators, social media administrators) is supported by the core coordinators. You can fill out the form on this page to indicate your interest, or simply drop us an email at info@hklibconnect.org.
其實, 香港圖書館同行並沒有正式的會員制度; 我們是走自發,積極及主動參與的路線。除了有其他幕後同行的幫手,發起人會分擔不同角色和工作,主要包括寫博客,翻譯內容,管理社交媒體等等。無論你想提供協助,分享或參加活動,都是由你決定!
如果你有興趣參加我們的活動,做幕後班底或想了解多一些我們的工作,你可以透過右手面的表格或電郵 info@hklibconnect.org聯絡我們。
Does it cost any money to participate?
As HKLC is not based on any formal membership structure, there is no membership fee charged. Participation from contributors and core coordinators is on a completely voluntary basis, and is fuelled by our commitment to serve the profession. You may choose to share the cost of HKLC events, but it's entirely up to you.
Get involved!
Interested in participating in HKLC? Got ideas for new events or initiatives? Let us know!